Licensing Sub-Committee - Tuesday 28 May 2024, 10:00am - Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council Webcasting
Licensing Sub-Committee
Tuesday, 28th May 2024 at 10:00am
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Agenda item :
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Cllr Gina Monk
Agenda item :
1 To determine whether the following items should be considered under the categories suggested in accordance with Part 1 of Schedule 12A (as amended March 2006) of the Local Government Act 1972
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Cllr Gina Monk
Agenda item :
3 Application (made in accordance with s.34 of the Licensing Act 2003) for the variation of the Premises Licence issued to TBO Limited in respect of the premises known as Yellow Broom situated at Unit 2 AEON Court, 108 Main Street, Bramley, Rotherham. S66 2SE
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Diane Kraus
Cllr Gina Monk
Diane Kraus
Cllr Gina Monk
Robert Sowter
Cllr Gina Monk
Cllr Michael Bennett-Sylvester
Cllr Ian Jones
Dawn Mitchell
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Emilie Waller
Nicola Waller
Cllr Gina Monk
Diane Kraus
Cllr Gina Monk
Cllr Gina Monk
Diane Kraus
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Nicola Waller
Emilie Waller
Matthew Simmonite
Cllr Ian Jones
Matthew Simmonite
Diane Kraus
Cllr Ian Jones
Matthew Simmonite
Nicola Waller
Matthew Simmonite
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Nicola Waller
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Cllr Gina Monk
Robert Sowter
Cllr Gina Monk
Matthew Simmonite
Webcast Finished